Some Data points....
This is the old screen,

We actually only need the following info.. so a simple screen to capture this, per item.
Example: Skis, Ski Boots, Snowboard, SB Boot, Jacket, Pants, etc
Example: K2/Mindbender, or simply the brand if it is clothing (Burton, etc)
Example: Red, Blue.. or Red/Blue,
Camo, etc. Something that helps us locate the items.
Male, Female, Uni, Child, ....
We need this information to help place the item in the right place for the swap
XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL...
or ski sizes like 162, or boot sizes 10.5
Price we will set it at. This must be a rounded up number.. ie: 25. Any item entered with change will be rounded up.
When done describing the item, press enter item to submit it to your inventory page. The screen will automatically be ready for your next item.
Click here to review all the items you have entered